해당 내용은 cloudNet@ 팀의 가시다 님이 진행하는 테라폼 스터디 T101 4기에서 실습한 내용을 정리한 것입니다.
1. Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform
실습에 사용된 코드는 link 에서 제공하는 Blueprint 기반으로 만들어진 것을 사용했다.
해당 Blueprint를 사용할 때 몇 가지 고려사항을 알면 사용하기 편리하다.
- 그대로 사용하도록 만들어진 것이 아니다.
- 해당 Blueprint에 사용되는 패턴과 스니펫은 Terraform 모듈로 사용하도록 설계되지 않았다.
- 일반적으로 Local 블록을 통해 내용을 변경하고, 특정 정보가 필요한 경우(R53 호스트영역 ID 등)만 variables 블록을 사용한다.
- consumption model 과의 혼란을 줄이기 위해 variables 와 output 은 최대한 노출하지 않았다.
- AWS EKS bluprints for Terraform 지원을 위해 제작한 모듈 정보
- terraform-aws-eks-blueprint-addon
- terraform-aws-eks-plueprint-addons
- terraform-aws-eks-blueprints-teams
- 기타 프로젝트
- GitOps
- terraform-aws-eks-ack-addons
- crossplane-on-eks
- Data on EKS
- data-on-eks
- terraform-aws-eks-data-addons
- Observability Accelerator
- terraform-aws-observability-accelerator
- karpenter-bluprints
- GitOps
- 권장 사례나 테라폼 구성 지침을 제공하지 않는다.
- 최대한 빠르고 쉽게 목표 패턴 실행에 목적이 있다.
- 안정적인 배포 보장을 위해 기존 VPC (default VPC) 대신 신규 VPC 를 배포한다.
2. Karpenter on EKS Fargate - Link
Karpenter on EKS Fargate - Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform
Karpenter on EKS Fargate This pattern demonstrates how to provision Karpenter on a serverless cluster (serverless data plane) using Fargate Profiles. Deploy See here for the prerequisites and steps to deploy this pattern. Validate Test by listing the nodes
이 패턴은 Fargate Profiles를 사용하여 서버리스 클러스터(서버리스 데이터 플레인)에 Karpenter를 프로비저닝하는 방법을 보여줍니다.
사전준비 : awscli(관리자수전-자격증명), terraform, kubectl, helm - link
Getting Started - Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform
Getting Started This getting started guide will help you deploy your first pattern using EKS Blueprints. Prerequisites Ensure that you have installed the following tools locally: Deploy For consuming EKS Blueprints, please see the Consumption section. For
코드준비 - Repository
GitHub - aws-ia/terraform-aws-eks-blueprints: Configure and deploy complete EKS clusters.
Configure and deploy complete EKS clusters. Contribute to aws-ia/terraform-aws-eks-blueprints development by creating an account on GitHub.
git clone https://github.com/aws-ia/terraform-aws-eks-blueprints
cd terraform-aws-eks-blueprints/patterns/karpenter
- versions.tf
terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.3"
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = ">= 5.34"
helm = {
source = "hashicorp/helm"
version = ">= 2.9"
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = ">= 2.20"
# ## Used for end-to-end testing on project; update to suit your needs
# backend "s3" {
# bucket = "terraform-ssp-github-actions-state"
# region = "us-west-2"
# key = "e2e/karpenter/terraform.tfstate"
# }
- main.tf - local 블록 수정
provider "aws" {
region = local.region
# Required for public ECR where Karpenter artifacts are hosted
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
alias = "virginia"
provider "kubernetes" {
host = module.eks.cluster_endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.eks.cluster_certificate_authority_data)
exec {
api_version = "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1"
command = "aws"
# This requires the awscli to be installed locally where Terraform is executed
args = ["eks", "get-token", "--cluster-name", module.eks.cluster_name]
provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
host = module.eks.cluster_endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.eks.cluster_certificate_authority_data)
exec {
api_version = "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1"
command = "aws"
# This requires the awscli to be installed locally where Terraform is executed
args = ["eks", "get-token", "--cluster-name", module.eks.cluster_name]
data "aws_ecrpublic_authorization_token" "token" {
provider = aws.virginia
data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {}
locals {
name = "t1014-${basename(path.cwd)}" ## 수정
region = "ap-northeast-2" ## 서울리전
vpc_cidr = ""
azs = slice(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names, 0, 3)
tags = {
Blueprint = local.name
GithubRepo = "github.com/aws-ia/terraform-aws-eks-blueprints"
# Cluster
module "eks" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws"
version = "~> 20.11"
cluster_name = local.name
cluster_version = "1.30"
cluster_endpoint_public_access = true
vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
subnet_ids = module.vpc.private_subnets
# Fargate profiles use the cluster primary security group so these are not utilized
create_cluster_security_group = false
create_node_security_group = false
enable_cluster_creator_admin_permissions = true
fargate_profiles = {
karpenter = {
selectors = [
{ namespace = "karpenter" }
kube_system = {
name = "kube-system"
selectors = [
{ namespace = "kube-system" }
tags = merge(local.tags, {
# NOTE - if creating multiple security groups with this module, only tag the
# security group that Karpenter should utilize with the following tag
# (i.e. - at most, only one security group should have this tag in your account)
"karpenter.sh/discovery" = local.name
# EKS Blueprints Addons
module "eks_blueprints_addons" {
source = "aws-ia/eks-blueprints-addons/aws"
version = "~> 1.16"
cluster_name = module.eks.cluster_name
cluster_endpoint = module.eks.cluster_endpoint
cluster_version = module.eks.cluster_version
oidc_provider_arn = module.eks.oidc_provider_arn
# We want to wait for the Fargate profiles to be deployed first
create_delay_dependencies = [for prof in module.eks.fargate_profiles : prof.fargate_profile_arn]
eks_addons = {
coredns = {
configuration_values = jsonencode({
computeType = "Fargate"
# Ensure that the we fully utilize the minimum amount of resources that are supplied by
# Fargate https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/fargate-pod-configuration.html
# Fargate adds 256 MB to each pod's memory reservation for the required Kubernetes
# components (kubelet, kube-proxy, and containerd). Fargate rounds up to the following
# compute configuration that most closely matches the sum of vCPU and memory requests in
# order to ensure pods always have the resources that they need to run.
resources = {
limits = {
cpu = "0.25"
# We are targeting the smallest Task size of 512Mb, so we subtract 256Mb from the
# request/limit to ensure we can fit within that task
memory = "256M"
requests = {
cpu = "0.25"
# We are targeting the smallest Task size of 512Mb, so we subtract 256Mb from the
# request/limit to ensure we can fit within that task
memory = "256M"
vpc-cni = {}
kube-proxy = {}
enable_karpenter = true
karpenter = {
repository_username = data.aws_ecrpublic_authorization_token.token.user_name
repository_password = data.aws_ecrpublic_authorization_token.token.password
karpenter_node = {
# Use static name so that it matches what is defined in `karpenter.yaml` example manifest
iam_role_use_name_prefix = false
tags = local.tags
resource "aws_eks_access_entry" "karpenter_node_access_entry" {
cluster_name = module.eks.cluster_name
principal_arn = module.eks_blueprints_addons.karpenter.node_iam_role_arn
kubernetes_groups = []
type = "EC2_LINUX"
# Supporting Resources
module "vpc" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
version = "~> 5.0"
name = local.name
cidr = local.vpc_cidr
azs = local.azs
private_subnets = [for k, v in local.azs : cidrsubnet(local.vpc_cidr, 4, k)]
public_subnets = [for k, v in local.azs : cidrsubnet(local.vpc_cidr, 8, k + 48)]
enable_nat_gateway = true
single_nat_gateway = true
public_subnet_tags = {
"kubernetes.io/role/elb" = 1
private_subnet_tags = {
"kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb" = 1
# Tags subnets for Karpenter auto-discovery
"karpenter.sh/discovery" = local.name
tags = local.tags
- outputs.tf
output "configure_kubectl" {
description = "Configure kubectl: make sure you're logged in with the correct AWS profile and run the following command to update your kubeconfig"
value = "aws eks --region ${local.region} update-kubeconfig --name ${module.eks.cluster_name}"
- (참고) slice Function - Docs
# slice extracts some consecutive elements from within a list.
# startindex is inclusive, while endindex is exclusive.
# This function returns an error if either index is outside the bounds of valid indices for the given list.
slice(list, startindex, endindex)
# Examples
> slice(["a", "b", "c", "d"], 1, 3)
terraform init
tree .terraform
cat .terraform/modules/modules.json | jq
tree .terraform/providers/registry.terraform.io/hashicorp -L 2
VPC 배포 : 3분 소요
terraform apply -target="module.vpc" -auto-approve
aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filter 'Name=isDefault,Values=false' --output yaml
echo "data.aws_availability_zones.available" | terraform console
VPCID=<각자 자신의 VPC ID>
aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPCID" | jq
# public 서브넷과 private 서브넷 CIDR 확인
## private_subnets = [for k, v in local.azs : cidrsubnet(local.vpc_cidr, 4, k)]
## public_subnets = [for k, v in local.azs : cidrsubnet(local.vpc_cidr, 8, k + 48)]
terraform state show 'module.vpc.aws_subnet.public[0]'
terraform state show 'module.vpc.aws_subnet.private[0]'
EKS 배포 : 13분 소요
terraform apply -target="module.eks" -auto-approve
# EKS 자격증명
## aws eks --region <REGION> update-kubeconfig --name <CLUSTER_NAME> --alias <CLUSTER_NAME>
aws eks --region ap-northeast-2 update-kubeconfig --name t1014-karpenter
cat ~/.kube/config
# (참고) context name 변경
kubectl config rename-context "arn:aws:eks:ap-northeast-2:$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text):cluster/t101-karpenter" "T101-Lab"
# k8s 노드, 파드 정보 확인
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get node
kubectl get pod -A
# EKS 자격증명
## aws eks --region <REGION> update-kubeconfig --name <CLUSTER_NAME> --alias <CLUSTER_NAME>
aws eks --region ap-northeast-2 update-kubeconfig --name t1014-karpenter
cat ~/.kube/config
# k8s 클러스터 정보 확인
kubectl cluster-info
# 각자 자신의 IAM User 의 access entry 생성
ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)
MYIAMUSER=<각자 자신의 IAM User>
aws eks create-access-entry --cluster-name t1014-karpenter --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:user/${MYIAMUSER}
aws eks list-access-entries --cluster-name t1014-karpenter
# 각자 자신의 IAM User에 AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy 연동
aws eks associate-access-policy --cluster-name t1014-karpenter --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:user/${MYIAMUSER} \
--policy-arn arn:aws:eks::aws:cluster-access-policy/AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy --access-scope type=cluster
aws eks list-associated-access-policies --cluster-name t1014-karpenter --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:user/${MYIAMUSER} | jq
aws eks describe-access-entry --cluster-name t1014-karpenter --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:user/${MYIAMUSER} | jq
# (참고) context name 변경
kubectl config rename-context "arn:aws:eks:ap-northeast-2:$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text):cluster/t1014-karpenter" "T101-Lab"
# k8s 클러스터, 노드, 파드 정보 확인
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get node
kubectl get nodes -L node.kubernetes.io/instance-type -L topology.kubernetes.io/zone
kubectl get pod -A
aws eks delete-access-entry --cluster-name t1014-karpenter --principal-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:user/${MYIAMUSER}
위 커맨드 실행 후 다시 시도한다.
kube-ops-view 설치 : 노드의 파드 상태 정보를 웹 페이지에서 실시간으로 출력 - Link
kube-ops-view 1.2.2 · funkypenguin/geek-cookbook
A read-only system dashboard for multiple K8s clusters
# helm 배포
helm repo add geek-cookbook https://geek-cookbook.github.io/charts/
helm install kube-ops-view geek-cookbook/kube-ops-view --version 1.2.2 --set env.TZ="Asia/Seoul" --namespace kube-system
# 포트 포워딩
kubectl port-forward deployment/kube-ops-view -n kube-system 8080:8080
# 접속 주소 확인 : 각각 1배, 1.5배, 3배 크기
echo -e "KUBE-OPS-VIEW URL = http://localhost:8080"
echo -e "KUBE-OPS-VIEW URL = http://localhost:8080/#scale=1.5"
echo -e "KUBE-OPS-VIEW URL = http://localhost:8080/#scale=3"
리소스 삭제
# kube-ops-view 삭제
helm uninstall kube-ops-view -n kube-system
# 삭제 : vpc 삭제가 잘 안될 경우 aws 콘솔에서 vpc 수동 삭제 -> vnic 등 남아 있을 경우 해당 vnic 강제 삭제 : 9분 소요
terraform destroy -auto-approve
# VPC 삭제 확인
aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filter 'Name=isDefault,Values=false' --output yaml
# kubeconfig 삭제
rm -rf ~/.kube/config
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